Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wednesday, January 7

I told Laura that I was on vacation and my idea of vacation was just doing nothing. She tried and tried to get me to go somewhere touristy, but I was on vacation and I wanted to do absolutely NOTHING! So, on this day, for the most part we stayed home except for the time Laura took me on a tour around the base (all the streets and houses looked alike..don’t ask me how to get anywhere). Nothing too exciting on this day, except I got to do absolutely NOTHING! Wahoo! I was finally on vacation!

We waited for the fence people to come and put up Laura’s fence (she just moved to this house before she drove out to California). I sat and watched them thru the window because I love watching anything being put up…especially if I don’t have to do it myself. I was able to spot 3 deer (after Laura shouted at me to look out the window) running across the field. What a beautiful sight! I’m such a city chick!

Later we went to the base grocery store. Don’t ask me why I thought it would be any different from the grocery stores I had been to in the past. Maybe it was because there are so many more rules on base that we don’t have in the outside world…like 15 mph speed limits! Anyway, after eating out all week it was nice to have something home made (especially if Laura was making it!).

When we got back, I thought about doing my lesson plans for when I got back to school…but that would take away from my vacation, so I played on my computer instead….yes, that was definitely vacation activity….playing online games guilt-free!